audio-narrative in augmented reality
Audio-narrative intervention with augmented reality that makes use of QR Code tags scattered around Sesc Osasco which, when found and read by cell phones and tablets, reproduce stories recorded by the unit's frequenters, some of them participants of a collective creation workshop. This is an interactive work made by all of us and for all of us, and an experience that uses the space as an affective body and territory of subjectivities, where the public is invited to travel and experience using cell phones or tablets as tools to reveal other real and fictional layers.
The Urbanotopias project was performed in 2016 with children from the Cerró Barón neighborhood in the city of Valparaiso (Chile) at the invitation of the Conteiner Theatre International Festival. In February 2018 Urbanotopias participated as a selected project of the "Laboratorio de Innovación Ciudadana para la paz y el Posconflicto" in Pasto Colombia.
Creation: Daniel Gonzalez Xavier
Technological Development: Dekwilde
Sound direction, captation, editing and edition: Paloma Klisys
Pedagogical coordination and laboratory dynamics: Nataly França Mamede

foto Paloma Klisys

foto Paloma Klisys

foto Paloma Klisys

foto Paloma Klisys

foto Paloma Klisys

foto Paloma Klisys

foto Paloma Klisys

foto Paloma Klisys

foto Paloma Klisys
Listen to the playlist with the sound pieces by activating play on the icons below. Headphones recommended